Atrox - Heartquake

About "Heartquake"

"Heartquake" is a song recorded by Atrox. The track belongs to the discography of the same artist.
Browsing this site, you can listen to other songs played by Atrox and other artists, bands, songwriters.

Top songs by Atrox

"Heartquake" video by Atrox is property and copyright of its owners and it's embedded from Youtube.
Information about the song "Heartquake" is automatically taken from Wikipedia. It may happen that this information does not match with "Heartquake".
SONGSTUBE is against piracy and promotes safe and legal music downloading. Music on this site is for the sole use of educational reference and is the property of respective authors, artists and labels. If you like Atrox songs on this site, please buy them on Itunes, Amazon and other online stores. All other uses are in violation of international copyright laws. This use for educational reference, falls under the "fair use" sections of U.S. copyright law.